Capital of Fashion & Aesthetic | What is the main purpose that Taiwanese doctors gathered in Milan?

Sinclair & Clovers recently co-hosted the Sinclair Global Forum, a distinguished conference that brought together aesthetic doctors and experts from around the globe. Throughout this comprehensive full-day event, attendees were immersed in a thorough exploration of the prevailing trends within the aesthetic industry, with a particular focus on identifying ideal products tailored to meet the diverse needs of aesthetic consumers.

The Sinclair Global Forum featured the unveiling of two groundbreaking products, namely Ellanse and Silhouette Instalift. This notable event went beyond the presentation of industry trends, providing a platform for an in-depth exploration of these innovative products.
Internationally renowned trainers, including Dr. Francisco Demelo from Portugal, Dr. Franco Vercesi from Italy, and Dr. KyungKook Hong from Korea, were invited to share their expertise as both moderators and speakers. These distinguished professionals, with a history of global engagements, brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the forum.

Dr. Francisco Demelo | Portugal

Dr. Franco Vercesi | Italy

Dr. Kyung kook Hong | South Korea

14 Taiwan experts also invited in this event including:

  • 熱愛 #動態拉提 #鈴鐺線賴暉元醫師的醫美日記
  • 許源津 許比比醫美醫師
  • 陳咸伸醫師之玩美藝術
  • 輪廓美學整形外科 李冠穎醫師
  • 陳昱璁皮膚科醫師
  • 陳建名醫師-美感養成術Dr Ming
  • #聯合整形外科診所 | #林之昀醫師
  • #聖緹雅醫美 | #薛博仁醫師
  • #光澤診所 | #陳姿秀醫師
  • #維格診所 | #劉友臻醫師
  • #星采星和診所 | #陳毅修醫師
  • #湞媄診所 | #倪宗亨醫師
  • #晶鑽好萊塢 & #順風美醫 | #曾子珊醫師 #郭綻洋醫師

In the fashion capital of Milan, Taiwanese physicians are actively engaging in a continuous exchange and enhancement of their research in the field of aesthetics. Their insights into products and the medical aesthetics industry reflect a commitment to acquiring advanced techniques and experiences.
The aim is to bring back a wealth of knowledge to share with the beauty seekers and customers in Taiwan, promising a better future by delivering enhanced expertise and insights into the realm of aesthetic medicine.